Wednesday 31 July 2013


This blog is about my various adventures and stuff in the game of Kerbal Space Program. This is a open-world sandbox style game that is currently in development, and as such my latest save was broken, allowing me to start fresh.

Now, starting from a blank slate, the first order of business, get a ship into orbit to make sure the conditions were alright for the re-establishment of my multi-body communications, fuelling and transportation network to start.

Doodeny, Johnbal and Sheplin thoroughly enjoying the flight
Thankfully, most of the mods that I had 0.20.2 still worked in 0.21, so I was still able to launch one of my Falcon 9 rocket replicas to check out the conditions. Note: I usually don't use this rocket as it is in now way re-usable.
Since this was a kind of test for blogging, this installment will be rather short, however the next post will be much longer, as the construction of the space station will commence.

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