Monday 31 March 2014

KSP Update

Hello there! It's been quite a while since I last posted on this blog, and I apologize if anybody that has actually been following and left because of the inactivity. Originally I was going to chronicle all of my KSP doings from the beginning of 0.21 or so, but I quickly realized that my ability to play vastly outpaced my motivation to write on this blog. So, from now on, I will post missions as individual clusters of posts at my own will, and not set up a large story that involves many characters. The following list recaps what has been done since my last post, more than six months ago.

The Unity series of space stations has now been completed and sent into orbits around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. They provide refuelling and habitat capabilities for the three bodies, and act as hubs for journeys between the three. They are soon to be decomissioned as the time needed to refuel them simply takes too long and direct refuel missions are getting easier.

A Minmus base was established for exploration of the moon, and now is to be decomissioned for the main goal now is to shift emphasis on interplanetary missions.

A new interplanetary ship was designed and commissioned from the KSC and the Intellect and her sisters were conceived.

The Curiosity (one of Intellect's older sister ships) had completed its mission to Duna and successfully returned to Kerbin orbit and all of her crew diembarked without issue. She is now ready for refuelling and set to launch for Dres in 1 day (Kerbals have a very high turnaround for rockets!)

We will continue from here, where Kering sucessfully lands on Duna after his ship arrives first from an armada of ships heading to Duna.